MW #3 - The Masterplan

This is how I plan to tackle the 100 projects challenge.

The Masterplan

Starting a business is incredibly challenging, especially as a solopreneur.

Now, you might be wondering, “Roberto, how do you plan to build up to 100 side projects without burning out?”

TL;DR: Free high-quality content and resources; low-ticket/pay-once specific courses, SaaS, high-ticket courses, and a premium community.

Long Version:

Free High-Quality Content

I want to create the best educational content regarding solopreneurship, aimed especially at professionals with established careers who dream of decoupling their income from their 9-5 jobs.

That’s it.

Simple? Yes.

Difficult to achieve? Absolutely!

I’m already producing the kind of content I wish I had access to, and it seems to be the right direction:

There are many people out there creating great content, like Arvid Kahl, Jordan O’Connor, Tony Dinh, and others. You can find them plus some more profiles on this X List I’ve curated to learn from and engage with them.

These creators are fantastic and inspiring, offering a wealth of knowledge and value.

However, I still feel that something is missing.

And that’s what entrepreneurship is all about: recognizing the ‘pain’ of something missing and launching yourself to create it.

Build in Public with a Focus on Impact

The “build in public” trend, championed by Pieter Levels, has evolved from an indie, scrappy way to navigate the journey from depression or boredom to becoming a successful digital nomad. However, lately, it seems to have turned into a ‘here is my MRR’ flexing show, which I find exhausting and uninteresting.

What I miss are ‘serious’ builders who focus on creating genuinely useful things, prioritizing impact over financial boasting. Builders like Arvid Kahl, Dan (@d4m1n), and others inspire me in this way, offering a refreshing approach that aligns more with my values.

I aim to follow this path, adding my unique personal flavor, and humbly strive to compete with them in terms of quality. My goal is to build brand recognition and authority, attracting an audience inspired by my vision, learnings, examples, and results.

Content Distribution Strategy:

X/Twitter: This platform will serve as the ‘Top of the funnel,’ where I’ll provide insights, reviews, comparisons, results, and engage with interesting people. Most of my focus will be here.

This Newsletter: A space for accountability, announcing projects in advance, and engaging closely with those who are interested. It’s a fundamental part of the strategy, transforming a rented audience into an owned audience.

LinkedIn: Currently, I am syndicating the same content as on X, with some modifications. This experiment, inspired by Justin Welsh’s success, will reveal its effectiveness over time.

TikTok: I’m intrigued by its recommendation algorithm. Although I’ve never created video content before, I plan to experiment with it and see if it can be an effective channel for me.

Handbooks: Themed lead magnets that, along with SEO insights, will help generate more subscribers.

Focused Learning for Immediate Impact (Low-Ticket Premium Content)

These will be short, highly focused courses that delve into specific topics within solopreneurship.

Based directly on my personal experience and proven results, these courses ensure that the content is both practical and actionable.

Designed for niche audiences, each course will offer targeted insights that can be immediately applied to real-world projects. Priced affordably between 49 and 99€, these courses will provide a low-risk, high-value opportunity for professionals to enhance their skills and advance their entrepreneurial journey.

Deep Dives for Transformational Growth (High-Ticket Premium Content)

These will be comprehensive, in-depth courses that cover broader and more complex aspects of solopreneurship.

These courses will provide extensive knowledge and could also include personalized support from me, ensuring that participants receive tailored guidance throughout their learning journey.

Additionally, some courses might invite industry experts to share their insights, further enriching the learning experience.

They could take the form of short bootcamps that emphasize hands-on, real-time application of concepts, with live sessions, interactive discussions, and collaborative problem-solving.

The ROI for these offerings will be clear and measurable, as participants will acquire skills and strategies that translate directly into significant business growth and success.


My software offerings will include both small tools and SaaS products, each designed to address specific problems I’ve personally encountered or am deeply familiar with.

The smaller tools will likely follow a pay-once model, allowing users to benefit from them as long as the product remains supported.

My approach will be to ship these products quickly, focusing on one or two core features backed by good design, excellent UX, and simple but robust quality.

I’ll remain pragmatic in this process—if a product doesn’t gain traction, I’ll open source it or kill it and moving onto the next one.

Premium community for fellow solopreneurs taking the same path

In addition to my content and software offerings, I’m building a paid community for those serious about following the same solopreneurship path.

This community will provide closer, more personal contact with me and other like-minded individuals, creating a space for deeper engagement, shared experiences, and mutual support.

Members will gain exclusive access to a roster of premium products, including tools, courses, and other resources designed to accelerate their entrepreneurial journey.

Additionally, the community will feature opportunities to earn money through affiliate partnerships, allowing members to benefit not only from the knowledge and tools provided but also from the collective success of the group.

This community is designed for those truly committed to achieving significant growth and impact in their solopreneurial endeavors.

The Road Ahead

The journey of building 100 side projects as a solopreneur is undoubtedly ambitious, and it will require the best of me to execute.

By offering a mix of free and premium content, practical tools, and a supportive community, I want to inspire professionals to break free from the constraints of traditional 9-5 jobs and pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

This ‘masterplan’ is not just about creating products—it’s about building a sustainable ecosystem where education, innovation, and collaboration thrive.

I’m excited to walk this path alongside those who share the same vision.

Let’s see where it takes us.